The Closet/The Knocking in the Walls
By Maria Soboleva
Pencil on paper
11 x 8.5 in
This drawing was inspired by the random knocking in the walls of my new suite. It really scared me at first especially in the middle of the night it sounded very ominous. Everyone says it's the heating in this old dorm, but I decided it was a steampunk monster making the noise. There is this universal fear of monsters hiding in closets, so this drawing is my spin on it. I used pencil to make a more grunge/retro design, as if this drawing is in an old scary stories book. The illustration depicts an unknown masked creature creeping out from behind a slightly opened closet door. The creature’s gas mask releases billowing steam, and three reaching hands form out of white mist. In the reflection of the monster’s glass goggles stands a silhouetted form. When I finished the drawing, this monster felt more real but at the same time less scary than before when I hadn't personified it.