Growing Old/Death
By Maria Soboleva
Paper, yarn, acrylic
10 x 12 in
Being afraid of death is a common fear. I reflected on what exactly I feared and I specifically worry about how I would complete activities of daily living when I got older. I worry how I'll have to rely on someone else feeding me because I can't hold a spoon. Since my fear boiled down to my ability to interact with the world, I decided to create a sculpture which takes up three dimensions and interacts with its surroundings. I used paper and papier-mache to build the body of an abstract old woman so bent over her head is on the ground. I painted the figure blue and grey and added drips as if she was melting. I hot glued yarn to the head to make her white hair spilling on the floor. This fear is last in my series because it represents how all things must come to an end.